How We Treat Hemorrhoids: The Ultimate Professional Guide
How Do We Treat Hemorrhoids?
Many people think hemorrhoid treatment is painful and difficult, but this is not always the case. Others avoid getting treatment because they are embarrassed about the issue and feel singled out.
Our first job is to dispel some of these myths, and assure you that hemorrhoid issues are quite common and most often can be treated painlessly and effectively. Surgery may be required at times and with that come options some devised to minimize your discomfort and recovery time.
Whether your symptoms are related to hemorrhoids, anal warts, or fissures, we at the North Scottsdale Hemorrhoid Center Plus understand how embarrassing it is to talk about your anorectal issues.
We take your hemorrhoid and gastrointestinal problems seriously, listen carefully, and treat you with the utmost respect in a caring, safe, and confidential manner.
Conservative Measures
No hemorrhoid treatment guide is complete without discussing the role of commonly known and often prescribed conservative remedies. These include:
Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications:
For many people, a change in diet and living a healthy lifestyle is more than enough to alleviate the burning, bleeding, itching, and general discomfort that comes with hemorrhoidal disease. Before seeking more aggressive treatment options, most attempt conservative maneuvers including Sitz baths and improved dietary fiber and fluid intake with variable success
Hemorrhoid Creams and Suppositories:
Topical Relief Gels, Witch Hazel wipes, over-the-counter creams, hydrocortisone ointments and suppositories remain the most common ways to treat hemorrhoidal symptoms. The advantages of these products is that they tend to have few side effects when used in moderation. Prolonged use, however, may at times cause skin injury and worsening symptoms. The benefits are temporary and generally not effective for persistent symptoms.
For persistent or stubborn symptoms, such conservative measures may not offer wanted relief, hence the need to visit with your physician.
Rubber band ligation
Sometimes hemorrhoid symptoms are beyond the help of home remedies. It is also good to talk to a doctor for peace of mind. What if it’s not really hemorrhoids? What if it’s something else?
Because not all treatment methods are equally effective for all cases, here at the North Scottsdale Hemorrhoid Center Plus, we have years of experience and are familiar with all the main methods for treating hemorrhoids along with their benefits and risks.
We strive to individualize therapy and offer you the most conservative and effective method that best suits you.
With the rubber band ligation method (RBL or CRH O’Regan), a small band is attached to the base of the hemorrhoid, cutting off circulation. In a few day’s time, the hemorrhoid falls away. There is little to no discomfort associated with this method.
If multiple hemorrhoids are present, then a series of treatments can be used to alleviate your hemorrhoid symptoms.
Like many other specialists, we do not recommend the CRH O’Regan system. You can read about this here or watch a video if you prefer.
At our Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, we most often treat hemorrhoids using the rubber band ligation method. During an anal exam, the doctor uses a small tool to grab the hemorrhoid, and another to wrap a small rubber band around the base.
After a few days, the hemorrhoid will fall off. This treatment is superior to others because it is quick, highly effective, relatively pain free, and requires no preparation.

Surgical and other invasive procedures
For more severe cases, we offer other surgical options including PPH stapled hemorrhoidopexy, THD Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization, a minimally invasive procedure that uses doppler ultrasound waves to locate the terminating branches of the hemorrhoidal arteries, and hemorrhoidectomy, surgical removal of hemorrhoids.
We do not recommend sclerotherapy or laser removal of hemorrhoids because of lack of advantage over other methods, potential increased complication risk, and in the case of laser hemorrhoidectomy, much increased cost.
Lasers are often advertised as being a less painful, faster-healing method of removing hemorrhoids even though none of these claims have been proven. Lasers are more expensive than traditional techniques, the procedure takes longer, and may cause deep tissue injury.
To know which treatment is right for you, it is best to schedule an appointment and have a proper examination.
If you still have questions about your hemorrhoids, check out our Hemorrhoid FAQ page for more information, then CALL US TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT!